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Environmental supervision

Held recently, the weifang economic development zone in the big production safety inspection work, arrange the deployment of dangerous chemicals, crowded places, building construction, road traffic, fire control security, industry and trade enterprises, and other areas of the industry production safety inspection work, to create stability for the victory at the party's 19 safe production environment.

Combine with deep propulsion "two learning one" to learn education.Keep to do into each other, unity, constantly strengthening the construction of controlsafety ranks, inspire the whole safety staff director entrepreneurial zeal, enhance the cohesion and combat effectiveness, efforts to forge a political quality, professional quality team and superior quality, discipline, quality and style of high production safety loyal guards, to constantly improve the level of production safety, better safeguard people's lives and property safety provide strong organization guarantee.

In combination with all the streets and industry safety production work.Streets and industry competent departments to formulate specific implementation plan, clear the main task of the examination, and the important content of work requirements, formulate checklist, full screen risk points and hidden trouble, establish risk prevention and control measures, establish a list of accident hidden danger, and implement the responsibilities for safety hidden dangers rectification, measures, capital, time limit, plan, comprehensively carry out hidden dangers rectification check list from the change.

The combination of "non-cure".According to "a single four major accident hidden danger management system" requirements, on the basis of establish and perfect the system of work, for every item listed in the list of major accident hidden danger the task assigned by system, accounting system and XiaoHao, TongBaoZhi management, cogent accomplish the task is not to carry out the don't pass and not eliminate hidden trouble.We will strictly implement the law enforcement measures such as power failure and shut-down, closure, cap and punishment, and legal responsibility for every violation of the law.

Combine with warning education and strict enforcement.We will publicize a number of major accidents and serious violations, promulgate a batch of joint law enforcement and "blacklist" management enterprises, and announce a number of illegal and illegal enterprises that have been closed down.

Combine with strict supervision.If the work is negative, the investigation is not thorough and the governance is not in place, it is ordered to suspend production and business for rectification.In any accident, death will be a piece of the "six", investigate enterprise's main body responsibility, apanage management responsibility, industry department supervision responsibility, the responsibility hidden accident, accident hidden dangers rectification and training education.

Next, weifang economic development zone will further strengthen production safety law enforcement, in accordance with the law to crack down on illegal violations, illegal or irregular act vigorously promotes the typical, with iron wrist, iron measures, to ensure effect of examination work.
